Supporting Irish producers
Food Academy is a flagship programme, run in conjunction with our market-leading brand SuperValu, with Board Bia and the Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs), that gives small producers a big chance to break into the food retail space.
At Musgrave we are passionate about local produce and family-run businesses. Food Academy is a programme that champions both, giving independent local producers a chance to bring their product to the mass market. Through our 11 food and drink brands, we support thousands of suppliers from across the island of Ireland, but Food Academy is unique in helping smaller, start-up producers get their big break.
Now in its eighth year, Food Academy is a food business development programme, a partnership between SuperValu, Bord Bia and the Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs). Participants receive training in food safety, market research and branding, marketing, finance, sustainability and business development. The programme currently supports 290 Irish food and drink producers, often family-run businesses, making their products available 52 weeks of the year in their local SuperValu stores.
The value for our business is in providing unique, artisan and local produce to shoppers who value produce with provenance. Great quality and taste is synonymous with Irish food and drink and the Food Academy programme shines a spotlight on the great food businesses around the county.
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